Aug 27, 2024

Continuing professional education (CPE) is a cornerstone for career advancement in various professions, ensuring that individuals stay updated with industry standards and practices. However, not all CPE providers maintain the transparency and professionalism that professionals expect. A recent experience with has highlighted a concerning issue that demands immediate attention. 


The Issue: A Misleading Free Webinar Offering 

While exploring, I encountered a free webinar promising 8 CPE credits—a seemingly generous offer. Yet, upon further inspection, I was shocked to find that there was absolutely no information about the course. The page lacked essential details: no course title, no course description, and no information about the speaker. This omission of basic information felt like a deliberate tactic designed to force users into creating an account, a practice that is both unprofessional and deceptive. 


The Role of NASBA: Oversight and Accountability 

What is even more alarming is the apparent lack of oversight from the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA), the body responsible for maintaining the standards and integrity of CPE programs. NASBA’s role is crucial in ensuring that professionals can trust the quality of CPE offerings. If such misleading practices are allowed to continue unchecked, it erodes the trust that professionals place in NASBA’s standards and processes. 


A Call for Immediate Action 

It is imperative that NASBA takes immediate and decisive action against platforms like that engage in such deceptive practices. Professionals rely on these platforms for their ongoing education and career development, and it is NASBA’s responsibility to ensure that all CPE providers adhere to ethical and transparent practices. 


For those interested in examining the concerning course themselves, it can be accessed here – Page Link 


This situation underscores the need for heightened scrutiny and stricter enforcement of standards in the CPE landscape. NASBA must step up to protect professionals from deceptive practices and ensure that the integrity of continuing professional education remains intact. 


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